All members, both men and women, are welcome to participate, including ‘new’ players. Tuesday is the “official” playing day, starting at 9.00am with a break for morning tea about 10:30am. Attendees put their name on the board, and are organised into doubles games lasting 20 minutes per round. Each week two club members are rostered on duty to organise the games and morning tea. (NOTE: There are also players who come down on Thursday mornings for some informal play at 9am.)
Midweek_Tennis_Roster April to June 2024
Click HERE for the midweek roster
Midweek Tournaments
A variety of OTC-only fun tournaments are played during the year, including singles, doubles and combines. Entry fees are $5 with prizes for section winners and runners up. Check the Midweek notice board to see what is coming up soon.
The Bernie Coleman Memorial Tournament 2023
The Bernie Coleman Memorial Tournament was held on Tuesday 11th July. A great day was held by all, both on and off the courts. A very big thank you to Avis Coleman who supports this tournament and also supplied all the prizes.
Midweek Interclub
Midweek Interclub starts in October and is played on Mondays starting at 9 am. It is ladies only, with teams of four playing doubles matches. There are usually four divisions or levels of competition.
Midweek Social
Yes, we are quite a social bunch, so keep an eye out for social events in the midweek roster- or check out our last Xmas brunch photo gallery for incriminating evidence!

Sarah Smith (027 6994659) Midweek captain